Monday 7 July 2008

Summer - missing presumed lost

Can anyone tell me what has happened to summer? We seem to have had days and days of rain and today the temperature hasn't even got up to 17C. My children seem to think I ought to be able to make the rain stop but sadly (or rather thankfully) omnipotence hasn't been granted me in the sphere of weather. Actually does anyone know - is there aever likely to be an invention which will control the weather?

Saturday 29 March 2008

I'm finally finish this series of blogs - a week late and all in a rush! Anyway, if you have not kept up with it, you can do it all at once or any time - it is all here on the blog. Get a pen and paper, work through the entries, total the cost to you, and if you are willing, send the appropriate cheque to Count Your Blessings, Christian Aid Community Fundraising Team, PO Box 100, London SE1 7RT. It is eye-opening ...

Count your blessings - Lent 2008 - material from Christian Aid:

Tuesday 18th March
In Burundi 45% of children under 5 are underweight.
Count 10p for every snack you ate today.

Wednesday 19th March
64% of Palestinians live below the poverty line. In 1998 that figure was 20%.
Count 40p if you have more disposable income now than in 1998.

Thursday 20th March
In Afghanistan a harsh drought recently forced parents to sell their daughters, some as young as 10, into marriage so as to feed the rest of the family.
Count 20p for every piece of food you threw away this week because it was past its use-by date.

Good Friday 21st March
Christ made peace through his blood shed on the cross (Colossians 1:20)
Reflect on your relationship with the world and all those in it. Ask yourself whether it is a peaceful one.

Saturday 22nd March
As increasingly unpredictable weather causes harvests to fail in Tajikistan, many men leave their families to find work in Russia.
Count 10p for every member of your family less thah an hour's journey away.

Easter Sunday 23rd March
Recount back to the risen Christ just some of his blessings to you this day. Thank God in particular for those you can't remember.
Add a final donation of your choice if you wish.

Tuesday 25 March 2008

Just this batch and one more batch, and we will have finished! Keep counting! If you have just joined, you can always recap, and you can take as long as you want to work through it all ...

Count your blessings - Lent 2008 - material from Christian Aid: (The way this works is that you you keep a running total each day, according to what it says. At the end I will give you the address to send a donation in to Christian Aid if you are willing and can still afford to!)

Tuesday 11th March
Two million people in the world have no access to electricity.
Count 10p for every non-energy-saving light bulb in your home.

Wednesday 12th March
Today somebody in Zambia has less chance of living to 30 than someone born in England in 1840.
Count 30p if you're over 30p.

Thursday 13th March
The world's surface temperatures are rising faster than at any point in the last 10,000 years.
Turn your thermostat down by 1 degree.

Friday 14th March
In Nicaragua, 13p could buy the 1lb of nails needed to build a latrine.
Count 13p every time you flush today.

Saturday 15th March
Rigged trade rules cost the developing world US$700 billion a year, according to the UN.
Visit to join the movement for trade justice.

Sunday 16th March
On Palm Sunday we marked Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey.
How could you live more humbly?

Monday 17th March
Four decades of civicl war in Colombia have created the second highest number of internal refugees in the world.
Count 25p for every holiday or short break you have had in the last year.

Saturday 22 March 2008

Sorry - still behind - we'll finish off in batches after Easter! ...

Count your blessings - Lent 2008 - material from Christian Aid: (The way this works is that you you keep a running total each day, according to what it says. At the end I will give you the address to send a donation in to Christian Aid if you are willing and can still afford to!)

Tuesday 4th March
65p could buy a pair of shoes for a person in Cambodia.
Count 65p if you are wearing a pair of shoes, and 10p for every other pair you own.

Wednesday 5th March
Almost every other person in the developing countries lacks adequate sanitation.
Count 30p for every toilet in you home.

Thursday 6th March
In the UK on average each person emits around 9 tonnes of CO2 a year. In the US it is 24 tonnes. In sub-Saharan Africa it is less than one tonne of CO2 a year.
Visit today to take action on the Climate Change Bill.

Friday 7th March
K Rajamuthu has spent 25 years breaking rocks in a quarry in south India, but never earns more than £2.30 a day.
Count £2.30 if you had a pay rise in the last year.

Saturday 8th March
In parts of Bangladesh, rising sea-levels are causing water salination, so the poorest people must travel up to 24 hours to buy drinking water.
Count 10p for every glass of water you drank today.

Sunday 9th March
"Every day when I wake up I ask God to save our field staff from being targets of terror attacks," aaid one of our Iraqi prayer partners recently.
Pray for all who work for peace.

Monday 10th March
Every hour more than 1,200 children die away from the glare of the media - the same effect as three tsunamis each month, every month.
Count the price of the last newspaper you bought.

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Sorry - I keep getting way behind - I'll do a few today, a few tomorrow, etc ...

Count your blessings - Lent 2008 - material from Christian Aid:
(The way this works is that you you keep a running total each day, according to what it says. At the end I will give you the address to send a donation in to Christian Aid if you are willing and can still afford to!)

Tuesday 26th Feb
Just 40p could buy 10 eggs, one week's worth of protein for a family of four living in poverty in Kyrgystan.
Count 40p for every box of eggs in your fridge.

Wednesday 27th Feb
A 15-year-old in Botswana has an 80% chance of dying from an HIV-related disease.
Count 10p for every teenager you know.

Thursday 28th Feb
An estimated 12 million children on Africa have lost one or more parents to HIV-related diseases.
Count 20p for each family member you've seen this week.

Friday 29th Feb
Almost a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read or sign their names.
Count 5p for every pen in your home.

Saturday 1st March
45p could pay for a child's visit to a health clinic funded by Christian Aid in Jamaica.
Count 45p for every time you went to your GP last month. Count 90p if you didn't have to.

Sunday 2nd March
Britain spends more than £1.5 billion a year on cut flowers. 25% are from Kenya where workers sometimes labour 18 hours a day for £25 a month, with no pesticide protection.
Count £2.50 for every bunch of bought flowers in your home.

Monday 3rd March
At the current rate of CO2 emissions, by 2050, 30 million more people may go hungry as agricultural yields drop across the globe.
Give 50p if you bought any fruit or veg from abroad this week.

Friday 14 March 2008


Trip to Taize (France)

For 18 - 30 year olds

A Joint adventure between Plymouth & Marjohns Chaplaincies.

Cost £160

Coach leaves Plymouth to London then London to France on the 26th July coming back on 4th August.

For anyone who is interested there will be a prayer and information evening on Monday the 28th April at 6.30pm followed by a simple meal at Holy Cross Church, Beaumont Road, St Judes.

If there are any queries in the meantime please contact Kate email
on 07886840116/ 01752 667433

Monday 10 March 2008

How NOT to walk on Dartmoor!!!

hey everyone!!!

So we went on a walk on Saturday to Dartmoor and took 14 Students along. The weather was not great so we went on a SIMPLE walk from Prince town so it was wet and cold but we wrapped up and set off towards the old quarry. We had almost reached it when we had to climb over a bit of a rocky path and down the other side mmmmmmm....... being me and believe me when I say I am the clumsiest person I know, I thought i won't go down there because i will fall so i spied a path that looked a bit wet but not too bad, so me and a student started to walk down we got there and I steeped on and it was a bit boggy but not too bad. and so about a minute later i took a step and sunk ............oh dear i was up to my knees in mud so i had a little chuckle and said i think we should go back........meanwhile i spied Trevor at the top and he shouted "don't move until i get down there" it was at this point i began to realise i was stuck!!!! then i possibly did the worst thing i started to struggle and was sinking ah the panic was setting in........ i was now up to the top of my legs in mud!! then Trevor appeared and was trying to explain how i could get myself out. it wasn't working. at this point I think I was more scared than i had ever been in my life!!! eventually Trevor managed to pull me free (with me praying more urgently than usual!!!) i managed to get off this path and find a rock to sit on at which point the relief and realisation set in and I burst into tears........ i was wet and the wind was cold (and stupidly wearing jeans) needless to say we decided to head back and go home! it wasn't till we were in the mini bus that David suggested it would be a good sermon!!! which Trevor agreed with and used it at our Parish mass that evening much to my embarrassment!!!! and so let me be a perfect example to you all of how not to walk on Dartmoor!!!

God bless

PS I can see the funny side of it now!!!